immature-giraffe's avatar


Against the Waves of Conformity
161 Watchers155 Deviations

Project #1
Personal Project: LoL ChampStamps by immature-giraffe

I'll be making player stamps of all the champions in League of Legends.

This'll serve as my list (so I know which I still have to make) and for quicker viewing purposes XD

League of Legends: Aatrox Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Ahri Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Akali Stamp [GIF] by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Alistar Stamp [GIF] by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Amumu Stamp by immature-giraffe
League of Legends: Anivia Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Annie Stamp by immature-giraffe  League of Legends: Ashe Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Blitzcrank Stamp [GIF] by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Brand Stamp by immature-giraffe
League of Legends: Braum Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Caitlyn Stamp by immature-giraffe  League of Legends: Cassiopeia Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Cho'Gath Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Corki Stamp [GIF] by immature-giraffe
League of Legends: Darius Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Diana Stamp by immature-giraffe [Dr. Mundo]  League of Legends: Draven Stamp by immature-giraffe  League of Legends: Elise Stamp by immature-giraffe
League of Legends: Evelynn Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Ezreal Stamp by immature-giraffe  League of Legends: Fiddlesticks Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Fiora Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Fizz Stamp by immature-giraffe
[Galio] League of Legends: Gangplank Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Garen Stamp by immature-giraffe [Gragas] League of Legends: Graves Stamp by immature-giraffe
League of Legends: Hecarim Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Heimerdinger Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Irelia Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Janna Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Jarvan IV Stamp by immature-giraffe
League of Legends: Jax Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Jayce Stamp by immature-giraffe [Jinx]  League of Legends: Karma Stamp by immature-giraffe  League of Legends: Karthus Stamp by immature-giraffe
[Kassadin] League of Legends: Katarina Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Kayle Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Kennen Stamp by immature-giraffe  League of Legends: Kha'Zix Stamp by immature-giraffe
League of Legends: Kog'Maw Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: LeBlanc Stamp by immature-giraffe [Lee Sin] League of Legends: Leona Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Lissandra Stamp by immature-giraffe
League of Legends: Lucian Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Lulu Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Lux Stamp by immature-giraffe [Malphite] League of Legends: Malzahar Stamp by immature-giraffe
League of Legends: Maokai Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Master Yi Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Miss Fortune Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Mordekaiser Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Morgana Stamp by immature-giraffe
League of Legends: Nami Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Nasus Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Nautilus Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Nidalee Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Nocturne Stamp by immature-giraffe
League of Legends: Nunu Stamp by immature-giraffe [Olaf] League of Legends: Orianna Stamp by immature-giraffe  League of Legends: Pantheon Stamp by immature-giraffe  [Poppy]

League of Legends: Quinn Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Rammus Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Renekton Stamp by immature-giraffe  League of Legends: Rengar Stamp by immature-giraffe  League of Legends: Riven Stamp by immature-giraffe
League of Legends: Rumble Stamp by immature-giraffe [Ryze] League of Legends: Sejuani Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Shaco Stamp by immature-giraffe [Shen]
League of Legends: Shyvana Stamp by immature-giraffe [Singed] [Sion] League of Legends: Sivir Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Skarner Stamp by immature-giraffe
League of Legends: Sona Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Soraka Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Swain Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Syndra Stamp  [GIF] by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Talon Stamp by immature-giraffe
League of Legends: Taric Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Teemo Stamp [GIF] by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Thresh Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Tristana Stamp by immature-giraffe [Trundle]
League of Legends: Tryndamere Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Twisted Fate Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Twitch Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Udyr Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Urgot Stamp by immature-giraffe
League of Legends: Varus Stamp [GIF] by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Vayne Stamp by immature-giraffe  League of Legends: Veigar Stamp by immature-giraffe  League of Legends: Vel'Koz Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Vi Stamp by immature-giraffe
League of Legends: Viktor Stamp by immature-giraffe  League of Legends: Vladimir Stamp by immature-giraffe  League of Legends: Volibear Stamp [GIF] by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Warwick Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Wukong Stamp by immature-giraffe
League of Legends: Xerath Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Xin Zhao Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Yasuo Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Yorick Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Zac Stamp by immature-giraffe 
League of Legends: Zed Stamp by immature-giraffe  League of Legends: Ziggs Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Zilean Stamp by immature-giraffe League of Legends: Zyra Stamp by immature-giraffe


League of Legends © Riot Games

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LoL ChampStamps (Master List) by immature-giraffe, journal